
What is Art Therapy?

At BALANCE eating disorder treatment center, our programs utilize an integrative therapeutic approach that incorporates evidence-based treatments and is collaborative in nature. Art therapy is one of our many approaches. It is a modality that we define as the intersection of art and psychology. Art therapy is another way for clients to express and visualize their feelings, while offering a tangible reference to the intangible experience of emotions clients experience in treatment, and it can even serve as a way to track progress. Plus, art can be fun and playful!

Benefits of Art Therapy

Benefits of art therapy for those in recovery from eating disorders include, but are not limited to: building confidence in one's creativity and building skill with various art mediums, practicing the importance of risk-taking and the act of embracing mistakes, and being validated by others in a way that is nonverbal.


The main goals of art therapy groups at BALANCE encompass growing confidence with art materials; expressing self with alternative modalities; cultivating a creative language with personal meaning; increasing focus on process, not product; and making mistakes.

Our Admissions team would be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding the utilization of creative arts therapy at BALANCE. Click below to contact us today or learn more about our treatment philosophy here. 


Art therapy group occurs once a week for Day Treatment Program (Wednesday mornings), and once a week for Intensive Outpatient Program (Monday evenings).