Recovery IS possible with the right care


Struggling with food and body image distress comes with a very real emotional and physical burden.

You are not alone. BALANCE is here to guide you on your path to understanding and recovery.

Our Eating Disorder Recovery Handbook is for you, wherever you are on your journey.

Download the Eating Disorder Recovery Handbook to take an eating disorder quiz to identify existing disordered thoughts and behaviors. Then keep reading to gain insight from BALANCE experts on recognizing eating disorders' common signs and symptoms and finding body acceptance.

Don't let food and body distress stand between you and what matters most.

You can get answers today.

Explore what recovery could look like for you with BALANCE's expert guidance.

Food freedom and peace are within reach.


Download your handbook today

in our free handbook, you’ll find…

  • An Eating Disorder Quiz to help you identify disordered thoughts & behaviors

  • Tips for identifying & overcoming emotional eating

  • A deeper understanding of the common signs & symptoms of eating disorders

  • Tips to support someone with an eating disorder & how to begin the process

  • Insight into a more peaceful approach to eating

  • A Hunger & Fullness Scale

  • Guidance on how to find body love & acceptance

  • Letters of Hope from past BALANCE clients