Safe Healing During the Pandemic & beyond
BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ COVID-19 Protocols
COVID-19 has left the world reeling. An unprecedented number of people have found themselves struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors in response to the enormous stress and uncertainty of the pandemic.
The following COVID-19 policies & procedures are in place on-site to ensure the safety of the BALANCE community.
Before Your Appointment
We are continuing to collect vaccination cards upon admission to program, however, unvaccinated clients and visitors are welcome on-site for programming.
If you become ill or show signs of COVID-19, BALANCE reserves the right to request home test results, and will refer to the CDC guidelines.
In the event that you are feeling unwell for your appointment or for programming, we ask that you give us a call at 212-645-6903 as early as possible and remain at home. Please schedule an appointment with your Primary Care Provider to have days of program excused.
For detailed information on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, you can learn more here.
Arrival at BALANCE - COVID-19 Infection Control Measures
In order to keep BALANCE clients and staff safe from COVID-19, masks are optional and will be available for use if preferred.
Upon arrival, please present your proof of vaccination before starting any in-person programs.
BALANCE’s COVID-19 Facility Protocol
Hospital-grade air filters (Merv-13) have been installed for maximum filtration and purification.
The BALANCE Operations Team will clean each treatment and group room after every session.
Recovery Coaches will disinfect the kitchen and dining room after each use.
Additional deep cleaning occurs 3x a week.
The health, wellbeing, and safety of our community is our highest priority.
Additionally, options for telehealth are available if you would like to explore remote care.
For detailed information on COVID-19, please visit