Introducing Our Eating Disorder Handbook for Medical Professionals

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BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ is proud to share our Eating Disorder Handbook for Medical Professionals to provide a guide to early recognition & a treatment intervention reference.

Why We Created This Handbook

The incidence and prevalence of eating disorders are on the rise. 9% of the U.S. population, or approximately 29 million Americans, will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.

Medical professionals play a crucial role in detecting, intervening, and guiding clients through the recovery process. The active participation of medical professionals on the team is essential in identifying early symptomatology of emerging eating disorders and for treating medical complications that often derive from these conditions.

What's Inside

  • A Letter from Our Founder & CEO Melainie Rogers, MS, RDN, CDN, CEDRD-S

  • An Overview of Medical Implications of Eating Disorders

  • 5 Questions to Ask Clients Who May Be Struggling with an Eating Disorder

  • Behavioral & Physical Eating Disorder Signs & Symptoms

  • A Guide to Eating Disorder Levels of Care & Treatment Teams

  • An Eating Disorder Questionnaire for Clients & Patients

  • Information about BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ Programs & Services