Letters of Hope...


Making the decision to get help for your eating disorder is an important first step on the path to recovery. While you may be experiencing a great deal of fear and uncertainty surrounding this decision, rest assured that your recovery is in good hands. Our team at BALANCE eating disorder treatment center is dedicated to providing customized treatment to clients with a variety of treatment needs. We treat the spectrum of eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, compulsive overeating and other disordered eating behaviors and body image issues. To help you with your transition into treatment, current and former clients at BALANCE have written a few words of encouragement based on their own experiences in recovery.

Dear Anonymous, 

The idea of starting the journey of a day treatment program is a daunting one. I have been a client at BALANCE for almost 6 weeks now and truly couldn’t be more grateful. I have done other programs and can feel the difference here. The program is able to build you up and make you stronger in ways you couldn’t ever find possible. The staff is especially caring and genuinely concerned. The transition is difficult, I myself am still struggling to be totally comfortable and expressive here, however, the team makes me believe the goal is attainable. At first I resisted but after few days I started to look forward to coming in every morning. I set my own goals for myself each night and hope I’d be able to break through my barriers. Overall, BALANCE is a very special community and even though you understandably doubt your trust in them you’re in the best hands. It’s a vulnerable time and they both understand and respect that. I wish you the best of luck through all of this and I hope you can be as open minded as possible.

Hey new brave lady/fella,

You’re safe. Even if you’re sad or angry or scared or sick. Those are totally okay things to be, especially here. On my first day, I smiled and said, “Okay, great” to just about everything and I was so scared but thought I could keep everyone from noticing that. It’s a good thing that didn’t work. You are going to be noticed here, because you deserve it. I hope you can take that in and take what you need here. You could be new, or you could have been here for months, it’s your space too. Please speak up. The most important person in your recovery is you - without you in the room, nothing happens. Maybe that came off a little harsh. It’s only your first day. I guess what I mean is I am invested and hopeful of our recovery, even if we haven’t met. You have a million invisible cheerleaders and a lot of visible ones too. They all want you to get better. You’re going to have to do some things you don’t want to do. It’s really hard, and will take a lot of trust. But if you’re not feeling trusting one day, say so. If you’re feeling exhausted, angry, bored, with it all, lost, anything - say so. I know you’re brave because of what you have been through to get here, and because you are here. Remember that when you are scared. I’m pulling for you. Everyone here is.

Dear Anonymous,

Welcome to BALANCE! Yay! First days are super hard and scary but that’s okay because things are going to get much better. There are a lot of things to get used to, like talking about your feelings, counting in the bathroom, and of course the obvious… being in a new place with new people. Be confident though that you will become a pro at this before you know it… and a part of you even might enjoy coming here (not always… but sometimes). If I could give you one pointer that is very important, it would be to have faith in the people here. They won’t lead you in the wrong direction and they’re always trying to do what’s best for you. I guess I will also give you another pointer because why not. Give yourself space… in every way. I will elaborate… let yourself be uncomfortable, let yourself make mistakes… give yourself space to take an inch and give an inch… and sooner than it may feel right now, all those inches will add up and you’ll be closer to your end goal than you expected.

Much Love, BALANCE Alumni…

Looking for eating disorder treatment programs or services in the New York City area? Learn more about our options at BALANCE eating disorder treatment center here or contact us here.

Megan Madsen