Black Lives Matter at BALANCE

Over the last week, BALANCE participated in the #amplifymelanatedvoices challenge started by Alishia McCullough, MS, LCMHCA, NCC & Jessica Wilson, MS, RD. Although we may have been silent on our feed, we were active in learning, listening, and talking as a team.

If there is one thing we know for sure it is that our team at BALANCE stands together with our fellow colleagues, mental health advocates, and community members in calling for an end to the unjust and discriminatory practices systemic in our law enforcement system and greater society. ⁣

In times of suffering and pain, whether involving one individual, or a community, priority goes to healing, and to a recovery driven by compassion and understanding. Racism, violence, and oppression directly contradict BALANCE's core values and we join together with those advocating for just, equitable and humanistic social change. ⁣

Words take form in action. We herewith commit to the following:⁣

  • Contributing to Diversify Dietetics to support their mission to increase diversity in the field of nutrition by providing resources and programs to empower students and young professionals from underrepresented minority groups to join the next generation of nutrition experts. You can join our fundraising efforts via the link in bio. ⁣

  • Contributing to The Loveland Foundation which brings opportunity and healing to communities of color, and especially to Black women and girls. You can join our fundraising efforts via the link in bio.⁣

  • Support and amplify Black voices making a difference not only directly in the eating disorder community but societally. ⁣

  • Continue to educate ourselves and share information and resources with our community.⁣

This is only the beginning, we will continue to do the work and take action. We know this is not a moment, this is a revolution. The entire team at BALANCE is fully dedicated and committed to showing up, making space & fighting for what is right. #blacklivesmatter

Megan Madsen