Coronavirus Precautions at BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™

To the BALANCE Community, 

As always, the number one priority at our treatment center is the wellbeing of our clients. In light of growing concerns about the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and confirmed cases in NYC, we’re committed more so than ever to take necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of our clients and their loved ones, our team, and the providers we work with. 

Below is an overview of the policies and plans we have in place to reduce risk on-site of any potential spread of coronavirus and our preparations for any necessary changes in how we provide programming, groups, and services per recommendations by the CDC and the city of New York. 

What We’re Doing

  • Added more cleaning and sanitizing materials to high-traffic areas of our center by providing hand sanitizer for every office, and two sanitizing stations at our entrance.

  • Continuing to follow food safety guidelines of washing hands and surfaces often during meal and snack preparations. 

  • Significantly increasing deep cleans and sanitization throughout our center by wiping down every surface twice a day with hospital-grade antibacterial solutions and washing all pillowcases and blankets every other day. 

  • Assigned team members to sign in all staff, guests, and clients in order to avoid contamination. 

  • Immediately send home any staff member/client not feeling well.

  • Plans to continue programs, groups and individual sessions via a HIPAA compliant video conferencing platform should CDC recommendations suggest we temporarily pause on-site operations. 

What We're Asking Of You

  • If you have a previously scheduled intake or tour, give us a call if you’re not feeling well. We are happy to discuss rescheduling with you. 

  • If you are attending a program, group or session or are visiting BALANCE, please use the available hand sanitizer or use our facilities to wash your hands. 

  • If you are a client or a visitor who:

    • lives with or has come into contact with someone who has traveled to a region identified by the CDC as impacted by the coronavirus 

    • or has been exposed to someone diagnosed with it 

    • or have been diagnosed yourself

Please contact us so we can take the necessary steps to protect other members of our community. 

Recommendations For All

  • Minimize person-to-person contact 

  • Wash your hands vigorously with soap and water, especially after coughing or blowing your nose

  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes

For up-to-the-minute info on this developing situation, check out the CDC's website here or call 311 for information and resources. 

We will continue to monitor the situation closely. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out! 

Emily Costa