Redefining Wellness Is Now on Amazon
In February of 2019, Weight Watchers announced that they would begin offering free memberships to teens. BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ responded with the launch of our #WakeUpWeightWatchers campaign. Thousands all over the world joined together to speak up. Ultimately, Weight Watchers postponed the launch of the free program. Yet, knowing this wouldn’t be the first or last time a weight loss company would attempt to prey on children for profit, our team wanted to continue our campaign by creating a valuable free resource for teens and their families.
This campaign inspired the creation of our free ebook, Redefining Wellness, a downloadable guide that encourages readers to identify, challenge, and reject diet culture. The ebook combines the expertise of nearly 150 experts and advocates to educate teens, families, and the general population on the dangers of diet culture. The main goal of the ebook is to provide people of all genders, racial and ethnic identities, nationalities and documentation status, abilities, sizes, and socioeconomic backgrounds with reliable information that focuses on wellness, not weight loss. Redefining Wellness serves as an incredible resource for spreading eating disorder awareness and advocacy.
“Redefining Wellness is about reclaiming the idea that health and weight are not necessarily dependent upon one another. Dieting behavior often increases the risk of developing poor body image, lower self-esteem, and disordered eating behaviors. The hope is that the guide promotes teens to identify, challenge and reject diet culture, decreasing their risk of developing an eating disorder.”
We are excited to announce our Redefining Wellness e-Book is now available for purchase on Amazon as a printed version & on Kindle in addition to the forever-free downloadable version.
ALL proceeds of Redefining Wellness will be donated to Project HEAL, a nonprofit organization that works diligently to break down barriers to care at all stages of the treatment and recovery experience for those with eating disorders. Project HEAL is the largest nonprofit in the U.S. delivering prevention, treatment financing, and recovery support for people suffering from eating disorders. Purchase your copy of Redefining Wellness today to help support this incredible organization.