Weight Neutral Resolutions for the New Year

As we begin 2023, you may feel pressured to set a new year’s resolution. You may have set resolutions in the past that focused on your body size. It’s okay. You know better now. You know that your weight doesn’t need to be the focus of a goal or a ‘new’ you. You don’t even have to set a new year’s resolution if you don’t want to. You are worthy just as you are.

By: Dawn Lundin

If you want to set an intention for the upcoming year, below are seven resolutions that do not focus on body size or weight.

Choose a New Way to Move

What better time to start something new than at the beginning of the year? Do you want to do something relaxing, adventurous, or somewhere in-between? While it is important to discuss movement with your treatment team before taking up a new activity, there are lots of ways to experience joyful movement. On a relaxing note, have you tried yoga, Pilates, or tai chi? An adventure seeker may be interested in rock climbing, snorkeling, or surfing. Whatever you choose, your job is to enjoy being a beginner and decide if it is something you enjoy.

Get Crafty

When was the last time that you made something? This is a great time to break out the knitting, crocheting, quilting, embroidery, friendship bracelets, and painting. You can purchase kits that include all the supplies and instructions. Online tutorials teach you to draw, hand letter, or doodle. You can also find projects online using craft supplies you already have at home. Crafts are also a great way to distract yourself from eating disorder urges.

Get Lost in a Book

A great way to read more is to set a year-long book goal. You can also join a virtual or in-person book club. Picking a time to read means you’re more likely to meet your book goal.

Learn about Nature

Have you ever heard a noise and wondered what it is? Have you ever wondered which trees have yellow, red, or orange leaves in the fall? Do you ever see a flower or plant and wish you knew its name? It’s time to start learning how to identify birds, plants, and trees. You can find guidebooks for your area at your local library. There may be opportunities to bird watch, hike, or nature walk. You can also use apps to help you identify birds and plants.

Improve Your Sleep Routine 

According to the Sleep Foundation, sleep hygiene involves having a bedroom environment and daily routine to encourage consistent, uninterrupted sleep. Some habits that improve sleep hygiene are having a set bedtime & wake-up time, keeping your bedroom at a comfortable temperature, limiting screen time before bed and in the bedroom, and having a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include taking a shower or bath, having tea, reading a book, or stretching. Sleep is vital to your physical and mental health and your overall quality of life. If you find yourself having frequent sleep disturbances and feeling tired during the day, these are signs you would benefit from prioritizing your sleep hygiene.

Learn a New Language

Is there a country you’ve always wanted to visit but don’t speak the language of? You can take a class at a local college, through a community center, watch online videos, or use an app. You’ll be speaking another language before you can say Bonjour!

Practice Self-Compassion

Setting an intention for the year is optional. If choosing a resolution doesn’t feel right, skip it. You are not obligated to do so. If you would like to set goals for yourself, it can be helpful to discuss them with your treatment team to ensure they are aligned with your recovery. New year, same incredible, unique, amazing you!

At BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™, our compassionate, highly skilled team of clinicians is trained in diagnosing and treating the spectrum of eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, compulsive overeating, and other disordered eating and body image issues. Our 12-day winter intensive program can help you jump-start your recovery in 2023. Connect with our admissions team and learn more about our 12-day winter intensive program here.

This post was written by BALANCE Blog Contributor, Dawn Lundin (she/her).

Dawn Lundin, MS, RD is a registered dietitian and owner of Restore Ease Dietetics which is a virtual nutrition private practice that focuses on mental health + sports nutrition. She primarily with adolescents and young adults with eating disorders. She believes in meeting clients where they are at which provides a unique client-focused approach to recovery. She lives in Marquette, Michigan with her husband and three sons. As a family, they love to travel and spend time outdoors. She also enjoys mountain biking, running, cross-country skiing, being on or in the water, and knitting.


Mahon, Sarah. “Beyond Body Positivity: 10 New Year’s Resolutions That Aren’t Dieting”. Boston Public Library, www.bpl.org/blogs/post/beyond-body-positivity-10-new-years-resolutions-that-arent-dieting/. Accessed Dec 3 2022. 

“Sleep Hygiene.” Sleep Foundation, www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-hygiene. Accessed Nov 29 2022.