Mastering Summer Break While in ED Recovery: Tips and Strategies

Navigating summer break following a year at college can be daunting, especially if you or someone you love is on the path to recovery from an eating disorder. The shift from a predictable life at college to an unscheduled summer can be disorienting. However, with proper preparation, those in recovery can experience an enjoyable and healing summer.

By: Regina Colie

If you thrive on a set routine, transitioning from college to summer break might be a complex process. This change can present different challenges for those battling an eating disorder.

Post the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve all adapted to a different form of normalcy. But now more than ever, the allure of warm summer days at the pool or beach adventures is irresistible. However, rejoining such settings may take a bit more time for those adjusting to home life again. As such, having a plan in place before returning home can help make your summer as stress-free as possible. Holly Willis writes in her blog post, "The key to maintaining eating disorder recovery over summer break is anticipating those challenges and preparing to respond to them in a recovery-sustaining way.” 

Here are a few tips to ensure a smooth transition and an enjoyable summer.

Create a Summer Plan for Yourself and Your ED Recovery  

Upon returning home from college, planning your summer as best as possible is crucial. Wake up and go to sleep at intentional times, schedule meals throughout the day, and make plans with family and friends. Staying connected with your recovery team and joining a virtual support group can significantly benefit your recovery during the summer. In her blog post, Jennifer Rollin stressed the importance of consistency with therapy and dietitian appointments. While plans may change, staying on course with your recovery goals provides invaluable support. 

Choose Comfortable Clothing to Promote Summer Recovery 

Summer does not obligate you to wear anything that makes you uncomfortable. An article for The Emily Program recommends prioritizing physical comfort in your attire. Embracing self-acceptance while wearing clothes that boost your confidence is crucial for summer recovery. Need help with how to dress comfortably for recovery? Consider checking out BALANCE’s webinar, Dress for Recovery!

Build a Support Network for Summer ED Recovery 

The key to adhering to your recovery plan and having a restful college break is having your support network with you at every step. Summer is the perfect time to celebrate your achievements, savor the weather, and spend quality time with your loved ones. Although situations can be stressful and not everyone may be supportive, having a reliable support network eases your recovery journey and enhances your summer experience.

Let this summer be the first of many without your eating disorder, robbing you of the fun, freedom, and memories you could have. Schedule a call with BALANCE’s admission team to learn more about accessing our Day Program this summer. This summer with BALANCE, reduce eating disorder thoughts and behaviors, gain tools to navigate all the pressures the summer months bring, foster community with specialized groups, get the support you deserve, and more. Learn more about our summer programming here.

Our admissions team would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our programs and services. Book a free consultation call with our admissions team below, or read more about our philosophy here.    

This post was written by BALANCE Blog Contributor, Regina Colie (she/her).

Regina Colie is currently pursuing her Masters in General Psychology at The New School For Social Research. She is interested in working with women who have eating disorders and postpartum depression. Upon her graduation from Marymount Manhattan College, she had the opportunity to be published in Dr. Nava Silton’s book, The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child, Adolescent, and Adult Development. Her previous work has been featured in Project HEAL, BALANCE, Olive Branch Nutrition, and Nourishing NY.


Willis, H. (2023, May 16). Eating Disorder Recovery During Summer Break: 7 Useful Tips for College Students - The Renfrew Center. The Renfrew Center. Retrieved June 9, 2023, from

Rollin, J. (2019, May 29). Surviving The Summer in Eating Disorder Recovery. The Eating Disorder Center. Retrieved June 11, 2023, from

Michel, A. (2022). Navigating Summer in Eating Disorder Recovery. The Emily Program.