The Importance of Meal Plan Compliance During the School Year
A new school year comes with new schedules, classes, activities, and responsibilities like work, raising a family, caring for family members, or extracurricular activities. And as if all that does not sound chaotic enough, for those in eating disorder recovery, we still need to add our recovery and meal plan to the list of priorities.
By: Tori Barkosky
This includes carving out time to eat meals and snacks, finding time to go grocery shopping, and preparing meals or packing food in your lunch bag. It sounds like a lot of time and effort, but that effort is worth it as it can help you stay rooted in recovery. The challenges of staying meal plan compliant during the coming school year are valid, and it is essential for your recovery and overall health.
Below are some tips that can help you stick to your meal plan and your recovery this school year.
Celebrate Your Recovery Wins
Take a moment to pause and consider the work you have put into your eating disorder recovery over the past few months. It may not all have been sunshine and daisies, but I am willing to bet that you overcame challenges and took steps forward in healing from your eating disorder. It is important to remember these recovery wins as your routine changes and you head back to school. Instead of letting your recovery fall to the wayside this school year, make this year the one where you intentionally prioritize recovery—a year where you prioritize eating, grocery shopping, and prepping or packing food. Your eating disorder does not have the right to steal progress away from you.
Be Gentle With Yourself
If you experience setbacks in your recovery, show yourself kindness and compassion. Continuing with meal plan compliance is essential keep your mind and body nourished, but it can also be challenging. Slips, setbacks, and obstacles are part of the recovery process and nothing to be ashamed of. Remember that recovery is not linear, and what goes down always comes back up.
Consistently Nourish Yourself
Complying with your meal plan in recovery will not only help you find food freedom, but it can also help you focus and excel in school. Our bodies and brains need food not only to survive, but to thrive. Staying adequately nourished can help your focus, concentration, and efforts in maintaining a work/life balance.
Stay In Contact With Your Treatment Team
Keep your appointments with your therapists, dietitians, doctors, and other medical providers. They are there to help you stay on track while you navigate eating disorder recovery during school. When navigating your meal plan, you are not alone with the coming school year. You can lean on your team and remember that you are not alone.
If you are looking for support in eating disorder recovery this fall, BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ is here to help. BALANCE’s expert treatment professionals are ready to help you thrive this autumn and beyond with our Fall Transition Daytime IOP Program. Get compassionate care, expert guidance, and support when you need it most, all without sacrificing your evening commitments. Ready to dive into the rest of the year with recovery at the forefront of your mind? Reach out to our admissions team today.
Our admissions team would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our programs and services. Book a free consultation call with our admissions team below, or read more about our philosophy here.
This post was written by BALANCE Blog Contributor, Tori Barkosky (she/her).
Tori is a recent graduate of St. Catherine University, having earned a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Nutrition Science. Tori is passionate about all things related to intuitive eating, HAES, mental health, body respect, eating disorders, and disordered eating. She also geeks out on neuroscience and loves studying the brain and its anatomy. Tori currently works as a Mental Health Practitioner at an eating disorder clinic. Outside work, she enjoys practicing yoga, exploring nature, and drinking coffee.