Posts tagged back to school
Applying To College In Eating Disorder Recovery

High school seniors face the stress of college applications, and for those with eating disorders, it adds complexity. Find guidance on BALANCE's blog for choosing supportive schools, mental health services, and managing recovery.

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The Importance of Meal Plan Compliance During the School Year

A new school year comes with new schedules, classes, activities, and responsibilities like work, raising a family, caring for family members, or extracurricular activities. And as if all that does not sound chaotic enough, for those in eating disorder recovery, we still need to add our recovery and meal plan to the list of priorities.

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Perfectionism at School in Eating Disorder Recovery

People with eating disorders often struggle with perfectionism. The desire to control things can manifest in disordered eating and movement habits. However, the urge to maintain perfection does not stop there. It usually presents itself in other life aspects, such as school.

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Recognizing Eating Disorder Symptoms In Students As A Teacher

Teachers provide generations of young people with the knowledge they will carry throughout their lifetime. They also hold a certain responsibility for the well-being of their students, which can be challenging. What can you do if you are a teacher or school staff member and you suspect that a student has an eating disorder?

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