Posts tagged spring semester
Tips for Navigating Body Image Distress During Spring Break

Sunscreen, warmth from the sun, time spent by the pool, and uncontrollable laughs are ingredients in one of the most sought-after times of the year: spring break. After a long winter of coats, snow, and chilly days, spring break reminds us summer is just around the corner. While spring break can be an extremely relaxing and fun time, it can also bring about intense body image distress.

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5 Tips for Starting a New Semester at College in Eating Disorder Recovery

The semester break is wrapping up, and a new course schedule of classes awaits. Exams, papers, assignments, and readings are quickly approaching, and you may feel nervous, anxious, or excited about the coming spring semester. This array of emotions may bring about eating disorder thoughts and symptoms used to cope with these changes.

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