Posts tagged College
5 Tips for Starting a New Semester at College in Eating Disorder Recovery

The semester break is wrapping up, and a new course schedule of classes awaits. Exams, papers, assignments, and readings are quickly approaching, and you may feel nervous, anxious, or excited about the coming spring semester. This array of emotions may bring about eating disorder thoughts and symptoms used to cope with these changes.

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4 Ways to Support Your Child’s Eating Disorder Recovery in School

Going back to school with an eating disorder is daunting for students in recovery. For parents of these students, sending your child back to school can be just as nerve-wracking. Academic and social environments may not be conducive to recovery, and the urge to protect them from triggers can feel overwhelming.

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Starting a New Semester of College While Maintaining Eating Disorder Recovery

Returning to campus for a new semester can often cause an increase in food and body image struggles, especially for individuals with eating disorders. Approximately 10 to 20% of women and 4 to 10% of men in college suffer from an eating disorder, with rates continuously on the rise. Being a student in recovery comes with its own unique challenges and stressors — particularly when specialized counseling and nutrition services on campus may be limited.

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Eating Disorder Recovery for College Students

Attending college or university can be one of the most life-changing, liberating times in one’s life. However, for individuals in recovery for an eating disorder, the thought of starting or returning to school can be intimidating and emotionally challenging. College brings a plethora of new changes and unfamiliar experiences that may prove to be difficult for even the most stable individuals in eating disorder recovery to manage in addition to treatment.

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