Posts tagged spring
Does Springtime Spark Eating Disorders?

Learn how seasonal changes, especially in spring and summer, impact eating disorders and discover tips for navigating recovery-related stress this season.

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Discovering Lesser-Known Eating Disorders: Bringing Awareness to Uncommon Feeding and Eating Conditions

While anorexia and bulimia nervosa are the most recognized eating disorders, several lesser-known eating disorders also significantly impact those suffering. There are eight different diagnoses within the Feeding and Eating Disorders chapter of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th edition- text revision (DSM-5-TR), a comprehensive manual covering all psychiatric and related diagnoses in the healthcare field.

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Tips for Navigating Body Image Distress During Spring Break

Sunscreen, warmth from the sun, time spent by the pool, and uncontrollable laughs are ingredients in one of the most sought-after times of the year: spring break. After a long winter of coats, snow, and chilly days, spring break reminds us summer is just around the corner. While spring break can be an extremely relaxing and fun time, it can also bring about intense body image distress.

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Facing Body Image Issues During The Spring

The spring begins as the snow melts, and the days become warmer and longer. The flowers and trees bloom, winter coats return to closets, and spring break brings college students to beautiful locations. However, springtime may cause negative thoughts about one's body image for those with an eating disorder.

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