Learn how seasonal changes, especially in spring and summer, impact eating disorders and discover tips for navigating recovery-related stress this season.
Discover the power of self-compassion in eating disorder recovery this Valentine's Day. Learn techniques to practice self-kindness, soothe your senses, and embrace your journey toward self-love.
“Nobody can love you until you love yourself.” That phrase went viral on the Internet in the early 2010s, and it plagues Pinterest boards and mental health blogs to this day. Disguised as a motivational quote to inspire self-love for those who lack it, this rhetoric often has the opposite effect, especially for those struggling with mental health. Promoting such an idea can be dangerous and detrimental in eating disorder recovery.
Valentine’s Day is associated with love, romance, and an occasional giant teddy bear. While the idea of the holiday is about feeling an abundance of love and sharing that with others, it can often be a challenging and lonely day, especially in recovery from an eating disorder.