Posts tagged valentine's day
Eating Disorders And Valentine’s Day

Managing Valentine's Day in Eating Disorder Recovery: Tips for a Stress-Free Celebration. Learn how to navigate this holiday in recovery, set boundaries, and focus on strengthening relationships.

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Tips For Supporting Your Partner In ED Recovery

In February, Valentine's Day is an opportunity to celebrate love. Healthy relationships, both romantic and platonic, consist of supporting another person through the good and bad times and being supported by them. However, when the person you are in a relationship with is struggling with or recovering from an eating disorder, you may wonder how to help support them throughout the healing process.

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Tips for Navigating Valentine's Day in ED Recovery

Valentine’s Day is associated with love, romance, and an occasional giant teddy bear. While the idea of the holiday is about feeling an abundance of love and sharing that with others, it can often be a challenging and lonely day, especially in recovery from an eating disorder.

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