Posts tagged Thanksgiving
Staying Recovery-Focused During the Holidays

Navigate the holiday season with ease during your eating disorder recovery with BALANCE. Discover tips on planning, seeking support, embracing uncertainty, and maintaining focus on your journey to wellness. Stay connected and nourished this winter.

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Tips For Supporting Your Partner In ED Recovery

In February, Valentine's Day is an opportunity to celebrate love. Healthy relationships, both romantic and platonic, consist of supporting another person through the good and bad times and being supported by them. However, when the person you are in a relationship with is struggling with or recovering from an eating disorder, you may wonder how to help support them throughout the healing process.

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How To Handle Seasonal Affective Disorder During The Winter In ED Recovery

The months between January and March become filled with cold, chilly weather. However, winter may bring about seasonal affective disorder for those recovering from an eating disorder.

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Navigating New Year’s Resolutions in Eating Disorder Recovery

Setting a goal and working towards it can be an empowering feeling. New Year’s resolutions have become a landmark of goal-setting for millions of people in Western culture. However, diet culture has managed to co-opt the meaning of what is meant to be personal, individualized resolutions into toxic, fear-mongering, and often fatphobic messaging.

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How to Handle Holiday Food Comments and Protect Your Recovery

Discover how to navigate and protect your eating disorder recovery during the holidays. Learn strategies to handle unhelpful food comments with care.

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