Posts tagged hanukkah
How You Can Support A Loved One With an Eating Disorder Over the Holidays

The winter holidays can be a fantastic opportunity to enjoy being with family and friends. But they can also be stressful and challenging for people with eating disorders. If you or someone you love is navigating the holidays while struggling with an eating disorder, it is crucial to know how to be supportive.

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Accountability During the Holidays in Eating Disorder Recovery

As temperatures drop and autumn draws to a close, shorter days and holiday breaks are just around the corner. Most people highly anticipate the last few months of the year. But winter can be a demanding time of year for some, especially those struggling with mental health. Holding yourself accountable during your recovery at this time of year can be challenging, but that makes it all the more important. Accountability during the end of the year is not only valuable but vital to maintaining recovery in the long run.

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How to Handle Holiday Food Comments and Protect Your Recovery

Discover how to navigate and protect your eating disorder recovery during the holidays. Learn strategies to handle unhelpful food comments with care.

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