Posts in Intuitive Eating
Common Intuitive Eating Misconceptions

Discover the truth behind common misconceptions about intuitive eating. Learn how this philosophy promotes a healthy relationship with food, body image, and overall well-being. Explore the benefits of intuitive eating and how it can improve physical and mental health. Find support and guidance at BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™.

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The Opposite of Eating Disorders — Intuitive Eating

For anyone who has ever struggled with an eating disorder or any form of disordered eating, it is apparent that abnormal eating severely impairs your ability to listen to and trust your intuition and your body. Eating disorders inherently involve behaviors and habits that contradict your body’s natural instincts for survival and wellness. Diet culture tells us that restricting what and when we eat, shrinking our portions, ignoring our hunger signals, and avoiding certain foods are health-promoting behaviors. Developing a healthy relationship with food through intuitive eating is the most effective and sustainable approach to achieving food freedom.

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