Posts tagged instagram
Navigating Eating Disorder Content On Social Media

Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Twitter, dominate cyberculture for younger generations and beyond globally. Despite the tremendous efforts these platforms put into monitoring and banning triggering posts, we are subject to a wide array of content. However, the return of a culture perpetuated on Tumblr, a popular blog website during the early 2010s, brings concern over unfiltered content focusing on eating disorders.

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Four Tips On Using Social Media Mindfully With An Eating Disorder

Social media can be hard to navigate during recovery. We use social media accounts to stay connected in the world today, but how can we make them a safer space during recovery and afterward? With unlimited access to social media, it is essential to acknowledge and minimize exposure to posts that give unrealistic views of what is “normal.”

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What To Do When Self-Comparison Is Haunting You

Combat self-comparison haunting your thoughts. Learn strategies to navigate social triggers and focus on experiences over appearances for better mental health.

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