Discover tips for navigating Halloween in eating disorder recovery. Practice mindful eating, solidify anxiety-reducing plans, wear comfortable clothes, and find non-food-related activities. Remember, Halloween is just one day; prioritize your comfort and recovery.
Discover how to overcome fear foods in eating disorder recovery. Learn why they cause anxiety, how to challenge them, and the importance of expert support.
Explore the intricate relationship between eating disorders and OCD. Learn about the overlapping behaviors, thought patterns, and effective treatment approaches.
Learn to retrain your brain and overcome unhelpful thinking patterns. Discover how to recognize, challenge, and reframe negative thoughts for mental well-being.
Discover the link between eating disorders and BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors) like hair-pulling and skin-picking. Learn how they intertwine and effective treatment strategies for both.
Going back to school with an eating disorder is daunting for students in recovery. For parents of these students, sending your child back to school can be just as nerve-wracking. Academic and social environments may not be conducive to recovery, and the urge to protect them from triggers can feel overwhelming.